Top 7 Resources to Improve Your Resume Writing Skills

Top 7 Resources to Improve Your Resume Writing Skills

Do the words write a resume make your stomach turn? Is it because there is a lot riding on your resume? Indeed, it is a document that could get your dream job – or not. So of course, you want it to be perfect. You want to make sure all your information is presented in a professional manner. But how can you do that?

Resume in a portfolio mailer
photo credit: Scott Kellum

Hire vs. DIY

There are options you can consider. You could hire a professional writer, but that could cost a lot of money. There are cheaper alternatives, but remember, you get what you pay for.

If you are unemployed or underemployed, hiring a professional writer probably won’t be in your best interest. If that’s the case, there are many states that offer resume help through the state’s Department of Labor and Industry or Unemployment office.

How to get started

When you write your own resume, you are the best judge of what goes in it and how you want to present it. Don’t get too anxious and overwhelmed; you just need to start somewhere, and improve your skills and resume along the way.

First, take a look at good examples on the web. When you are looking at a one, do not copy it, but study everything about it. Ask yourself a lot of questions – i.e. if you were a hiring manager, would you hire this person? Why or why not? Take some notes, and find out what makes it a good – or bad – resume.

Chances are, you already have a resume but haven’t updated it in several years. If that’s the case, it would be in your best interest to know the current trends and see if yours holds up. Over the years, the look and the information included in a resume changes; respond to the changes, as you don’t want yours to be outdated.

Job resume sample
photo credit: Flazingo Photos

Improving your resume

Once you are done covering the basics, check out these resources to make it better:

1. Essay Mama essay writing service

Essay Mama screenshot

On the blog for Essay Mama, although this is geared for students anyone can use these tips. Some of the tips answers the concerns, such as: Should you write a separate resume for each job you are applying for, what types of headings are found in a good resume, and more. This is a perfect site for beginners.

2. Rockport Institute

For a very in-depth look, read the article on the Rockport Institute’s website. In this article, you will learn why you should have a resume and what makes a good one. This is a resource that helps fine tune yours.

3. Monster

Monster is one of the largest job seeker resources on the internet. They offer their own resume tips. With this resource, you can fine tune certain parts of your resume in which you think is in need of updating more than the others by learning about the components more in depth.

4. Purdue Online Writing Lab

This is one resource you should use in all the steps of your resume creation. Purdue’s Online Writing Lab is a well-known website that many writers and students turn to. Their resume tutorial takes you step by step in the writing process. There is also sample resumes for you to study.

5. LearnFree.Org

From this resume writing resource, you will find helpful hints on style, what kind of information to include, and you will learn how to format your resume to post online which is helpful for social media sites such as LinkedIn. There is also helpful information on creating a “cyber-safe” resume.

6. CBS News

If you are looking for a quick list of do’s and don’ts for resume writing then check out this blog article. You can use this list to compare yours to the do’s and don’ts and update your your resume accordingly.

7. How to Write a resume

How to write a resume screenshot

If you are looking for more help not only on resume writing but writing cover letters as well, How to Write a Resume – a resource you can’t afford to miss. There are articles on job seeking and interviewing, as well. The site was created to help job hunters learn the skills he or she needs to get the job he or she wants.

What’s next?

After you are finished writing your resume, let it rest for at least a couple of hours. When you come back to it, make sure everything is in order. Make sure yours is free from grammatical errors. Make sure you have all the right contact information in place.

Consider writing a dynamic resume. It will be easier to update when you have to add new job experiences or other pertinent information.

When you have the final version ready, give it to a couple of friends or family members to read over. Ask these people to also check for spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. Ask them whether your resume makes sense. Once you fix whatever needs to be fixed, it is ready to be out in the world.

Send your resume out and never give up. Remember, you are not the only person applying for the job but you will get the one you want soon enough if you are persistent and resilient.

Jessica Millis

As an aspiring writer and editor, she is working as a freelance writer and blogger. See more information on