How a Business Coach Can Benefit Creative Professionals

How a Business Coach Can Benefit Creative Professionals

The creative professions are diverse, ranging from arts and entertainment to design and architecture. They can be fun and fulfilling career paths, but they also come with their own set of challenges. For example, creative professionals often find it difficult to run their businesses because they’re skilled in their creative craft but not in business management.

A business coach can offer the structured guidance that creative professionals need to run their businesses successfully and profitably; however, many people don’t hire coaches due to misconceptions about what they do or how much they cost.

Business coaching session

In this article, we’ll discuss how hiring a coach can help creative professionals take their businesses to new heights while debunking some common myths about coaching services along the way.

Creative professionals are skilled in their creative craft but not in business management

As a creative professional, you are likely skilled in your creative craft but not necessarily trained in business management. This can lead to challenges when it comes to running your own business, as it’s easy for the day-to-day aspects of running a business to take over and overwhelm you.

There are many reasons why a creative professional would benefit from hiring a business coach. The first is their ability to help you overcome challenges that come from being an unseasoned entrepreneur and help you achieve success through sound advice and knowledge. With this support, they’ll be able to guide you through various aspects of running your own company such as:

  • Understanding different financial metrics like cash flow forecasting and profit margin analysis
  • Managing time effectively so that deadlines are met without sacrificing quality or productivity levels
  • Learning how to hire employees who fit well within your team structure

Structured guidance from a business coach

A business coach for creative professionals can offer the structured guidance that creative professionals need to run their businesses successfully and profitably.

A business coach can offer the structured guidance that creative professionals need to run their businesses successfully and profitably.

A business coach can help you set attainable goals, create action plans, overcome fear and self-doubt—and implement them all in a supportive environment.

Set goals and make a plan to achieve them

A business coach can help creative professionals set attainable goals and create action plans to achieve them. produced a fantastic article on how to find the right business coach to achieve your goals.

In order to succeed in life and business, it’s important to set attainable goals and create action plans that move you toward them. A business coach can help you do this.

  • The first step before creating your plan is to think about what success looks like. For example, if your goal is to increase sales by 30% within six months, how will you define that? What does 30% growth look like for your company?
  • Once you have an idea of what success looks like, break down that goal into smaller tasks by asking yourself: “What needs to happen first?” Then ask: “What needs to happen next? And then after that? And so on until all the steps are complete.”
  • Create an action plan based on these steps by writing them down and breaking them down further into even smaller steps if necessary (for example: “How will we find new customers?”). This will help keep everything organised and ensure nothing slips through the cracks in a busy schedule!

A business coach can support creative professionals in overcoming fear and self-doubt so that they can work toward achieving their goals

As a creative professional, you need to be your own best advocate and coach. You may have fears and self-doubts that can stop you from pursuing your goals or achieving success. An important trait of a business coach is that they can help you overcome these fears, so that you can work toward achieving your goals.

Robin Waite - Business Coach
© Robin Waite – Business Coach

A good business coach will help set attainable goals for their clients, then create action plans for how those targets will be achieved.

A business coach can help creative professionals deal with perfectionism

So that they’re able to prioritise tasks, get things done on time, and take risks from time to time.

Creative professionals often have a hard time prioritising tasks, getting things done on time and taking risks. In many cases, this is because they’re perfectionists and don’t want to ship something until they’ve done everything they can to make it perfect. As a result, they end up with dozens of half-finished projects that never see the light of day or even get used by the creator!

A business coach can help creative professionals deal with perfectionism so that they’re able to prioritise tasks and get things done on time rather than spending all their time making sure each step is perfect before moving onto the next one.

Basically what I’m saying here is: If you’re looking for some advice on how not to procrastinate as much as possible (or at least learn how not to feel bad about yourself when you do), then hiring someone who specialises in helping creatives manage their mental health might be a good idea!

A business coach can help creative professionals manage their time efficiently so that they have time for work, rest, and play

A business coach can help creative professionals manage their time efficiently so that they have time for work, rest, and play.

Robin Waite, Business Coach
Business Coaching for Creative Professionals

As a creative professional, you are probably juggling several projects at any given time. You may also be working with clients or customers who need your attention on their respective projects or businesses. In order to be successful as a creative professional and keep yourself happy in the process, it’s important to prioritise your tasks so that you can get them done efficiently.

To ensure that you are getting the most out of every task while still being able to prioritise family time (or personal life), it’s important to set goals for each project and client/customer relationship in order to manage them effectively. For example: Let’s say that one day per week is designated as “family night” during which no work-related matters are taken care of after 5 p.m., but other than this one evening per week when no projects take precedence over family activities, your business coach will help create a schedule where every other day has some kind of activity planned for each member in the household (elderly parents included)

A business coach can help creative professionals create a brand identity for their businesses so that they have an edge over their competitors

A business coach can help you create a brand identity for your business so that you have an edge over your competitors. A brand identity is the sum of your business’s values, personality and reputation. It helps people recognise what sets you apart from other companies in the same field. It helps you stand out from the crowd, attract and retain customers and build a loyal customer base.

A business coach can encourage creative professionals to enjoy the process of running a business instead of seeing it as a chore

A business coach can also help you to enjoy the process of running a business instead of seeing it as a chore. The right coach will be able to encourage you to stop worrying about what you’re not doing or have not achieved yet, and instead focus on living in the present moment.

If your career has become stale and routine, a key benefit of working with a business coach may be to help get out of a rut by learning new skills or finding your passion again—whatever it takes!

A good business coach will help you build a better business if he or she knows how to work with creative professionals like yours who are often self-taught entrepreneurs who did not study marketing or accounting in college but did learn some things along the way from friends, family members and colleagues (and maybe even some internet courses).

A business coach can help creative professionals develop confidence in themselves, which is necessary if they want to succeed in the competitive working world

Confidence is key to success. There’s no doubt about it. As a creative professional, you know this well: your work depends on your ability to draw inspiration from yourself and others, and confidence allows you to take risks in order to grow as an artist or entrepreneur.

A business coach can help develop this confidence by helping you understand what drives your own creativity and how it differs from other people’s — which is crucial if you’re going to succeed in the competitive working world! After all, being confident in yourself doesn’t mean believing that everything will go perfectly according to plan; rather, it means having faith that whatever happens along the way will be okay because of all the hard work put into creating something amazing together with others who share similar goals but aren’t afraid of failure either (that’s where most people fall short).

Executive coaching session

Hiring a business coach can help creative professionals take their businesses to new heights

A business coach is like a mentor, but for your business. They’re there to help you take your company to new heights and build it into something great, whether that’s one employee or fifty. If you want to take the next step with your creative agency, hiring a coach can be just what you need:

What does a business coach do? Business coaches work with their clients to identify areas of improvement and create plans for how they’ll achieve their goals in those areas. Then they check in regularly so that their clients know they’re on track and have support along the way. Most importantly, if something goes wrong—which is common in any kind of planning—the client will have someone objective (their coach) at hand who believes in them enough not only to push through obstacles but also come up with solutions instead of just complaining about them!


In conclusion, I hope that this article has given you an understanding of how a business coach can benefit creative professionals. As we’ve seen throughout its pages, there are many ways in which coaching can help creative professionals take their businesses to new heights. The best thing about this type of support is that it doesn’t require any huge investment on their part—all they need is someone who understands what they do and wants to help them succeed.

Robin Waite

Robin Waite is a multiple bestselling author, keynote speaker and the founder of Fearless Business, a business coaching practice helping coaches, consultants and freelancers to package their services up into products and confidently charge more for these products.